Airborne Dog Jumps From Plane With Special Forces

Airborne Dog Jumps From Plane With Special Forces | Frontline Videos

FUNKER530 - Veteran Community & Combat Footage / Youtube


He Knows What’s Up

This dog does so much every day and he knows it. You gotta love how he wagged his tail just before that adrenaline-pumping jump, so you can really tell he’s an absolute badass. Not everyone can jump out the plane like it’s no big deal but for this brave dog, it’s just another day at work. He’s cool and all, while most of us would be sweating and anxious.

It’s certainly impressive how well-trained he is. To be calm in such an environment, hats off to this good, good boy. It’s 1000x better and more exciting than sticking his head out the window of a car for sure.


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