Life Inside Massive US Submarine Patrolling the Sea at Maximum Speed

Life Inside Massive US Submarine Patrolling the Sea at Maximum Speed | Frontline Videos

YouTube / The Daily Aviation


Fresh Meals 

Six to eight cooks rotate through a set menu. These chefs cook full meals every six hours to coincide with every watch changeover. 

Limited Food

The cooks need to prepare enough food for 120 enlisted sailors and 14 officers. With this many mouths to feed, fresh fruit will only be available in the first few weeks of deployment.

Free Time

In their free time, crews can use the mess hall for any type of socialization or hobbies. Games like chess and card games are a staple in this area.

Finite Space

Though space is limited, they make do with the constant electricity. Sailors can even use handheld consoles like the Switch to kill time.

Few Bathrooms

The bathroom situation inside the submarine can be quite cramped and limited. Sometimes, one bathroom is shared by 1/3rd of the crew. These conditions result in a tight-knit community – whether they like it or not.


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