96 Year-Old WWII Veteran Sings National Anthem

96 Year-Old WWII Veteran Sings National Anthem | Frontline Videos

Youtube / MLive


There’s just something powerful about an actual WWII veteran singing the National Anthem. Truly, they were part of the Greatest Generation and  it’s a special privilege to be able to see and recognize those still living today.

In this video we have 96 year-old WWII veteran John Plyman sing the Star Spangled Banner at the start of a West Michigan Whitecaps baseball game just a couple months ago.

You can just feel the patriotism and emotion when this gentlemen gives his all in this performance. It’s hard not to imagine what he had gone through during WWII, the ultimate sacrifices that were given for us to be able to enjoy our freedoms. Salute to you, sir!


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