James May Rides in a U2 Spy Plane

James May Rides in a U2 Spy Plane | Frontline Videos

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Only For The Select Few

The U-2 spy plane is an iconic reconnaissance aircraft known for its high-altitude capabilities and clandestine missions. With its sleek design and strategic importance, the U-2 became a staple of espionage operations for decades.

For James May, a renowned TV presenter and automobile enthusiast, the opportunity to ride in this legendary aircraft was both exhilarating and nerve-wracking. 

May spent 3 days of training with the USAF at Beale AFB, practicing safety drills and learning how to properly use a space suit. After completing training, May was taken on a four-hour flight piloted by Major John “Cabi” Cabigas.

As he soared to altitudes exceeding 70,000 feet, he experienced the awe-inspiring curvature of the Earth, a sight reserved for only a select few.

With adrenaline pumping through his veins, he witnessed firsthand the immense challenges and expertise required to operate such a unique and powerful aircraft.

As an avid adventurer, James May’s journey on the U-2 spy plane undoubtedly ranks among the most unforgettable moments in his illustrious career, showcasing his unwavering spirit of exploration and curiosity.


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