U.S. Special Forces Call In Danger Close A-10 Warthog BRRRT

U.S. Special Forces Call In Danger Close A-10 Warthog BRRRT | Frontline Videos

YouTube / WarLeaks - Military Blog



The sound of freedom can be heard from this Warthog’s Gatling guns. What started out as a pretty quiet video ends with a sudden appearance of a Warthog.

A-10s are single-seat, subsonic attack aircraft capable of providing excellent close air support using their wide array of armaments. The Hog heard and seen in the video used its 30mm GAU-8/A Gatling-style autocannon to wreak havoc from above. To add to that, it can hold a total of 16,000lbs of ordnance on eleven different hardpoints.

This Warthog came through for the US forces on the ground. Even they were impressed by its firepower. With how quickly it got there, the faster it disappeared – with a barrel roll nonetheless!


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