Reasons Why $13 Billion US Aircraft Carrier Cost $8 Million per Day to Run

Reasons Why $13 Billion US Aircraft Carrier Cost $8 Million per Day to Run | Frontline Videos

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Almost 500 Ships

Each year, the US Navy spends around $60 billion to operate and support the 400+ ships on its roster. 

Carriers Employ Thousands

The US Navy has nuclear-powered aircraft carriers that employ more than 6,000 people. On average, a carrier would cost around $1 billion to operate annually – and that’s just the carrier.

Carrier Air Wings Are Pricey

The carrier air wing, which employs thousands of personnel, costs $900 million every year; combine the two together, and the cost gets up to almost $2 billion.

CSGs Are Included

By the way, that doesn’t include the carrier strike group’s cost to operate. Depending on the number of vessels in the carrier strike group, the operational cost would roughly be between $6 million to $8 million per day. 

A Price To Pay For Superiority

No doubt, if the Navy wants to continue its dominance in naval warfare, then it should be prepared to pay the hefty price that comes with it.


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