F-16 Gets It Bad From A B-1 For Not Waiting

F-16 Gets It Bad From A B-1 For Not Waiting | Frontline Videos

F-16 Gets It Bad From A B-1 For Not Waiting But It’s Funny

Well, B-1s Pilots Do Have Limited Vision.

This video is sort of funny as the way and the speed at which this unfolded was priceless. This seemingly tiny incident happened at the Eielson Air Force Base in Alaska a few years back. A person on the side of the runway was simply taking a video of the takeoffs as they’re always amazing, but they got more than they expected.

“All good things come to those who wait.”-Old Proverb

To the right of the Lancer was an F-16. Also getting ready to takeoff, the pilot jumped the gun a bit. Possibly not paying attention (which would be unlikely) or perhaps for a different reason beyond our comprehension, the pilot started taxiing toward the runway at the same time. Then, the massive in comparison Lancer literally blew the F-16 away. Caught in the B-1’s jet blast, the poor Falcon got picked up and tipped over to one side.

We don’t know what that cost, but being supported by a wing like that might have been expensive.In any of you in the Air Force could guesstimate that, we’re all ears. It’d be neat to know what a tiny mistake like that could possibly cost.


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