Not Only Is This Rc A-10 Massive, It’s The Only One That Shoots Flares

Not Only Is This Rc A-10 Massive, It’s The Only One That Shoots Flares | Frontline Videos

You’ve Got To Love These Two (well, maybe three.)

Welcome to Switzerland. A place of great tradition, amazing landscape and…well, Hausen Flightday. This little Rc airshow attracts some of the most incredible Rc planes we’ve ever seen. We wouldn’t say it if we didn’t mean it by the way.

From gigantic Rc Me-262s to Virgin Atlantic commercial airliners, this gathering is quite a spectacle to witness. Having seen almost everything there is to offer there, we were pleasantly surprised to find something that blew our minds. 

Edgar and Evi B., the couple you’ll see in this video, built themselves an A-10 Thunderbolt II. Without saying anything else, how cool is that to begin with? Many of us would love to have a significant other (no offense to our current significant others) that would share are passion for military aviation. Edgar apparently found his.

To cut right to the chase, not only is this Rc giant, flies and sounds to scale, it’s also the only one we found that can fire off flares. Yup, you read that right. Flares. There are multiple instances during the video when this happens, so feel free to skip around and take a look. It’s really impressive. 


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