Here’s How Boeing 737’s Cockpit Door Holds Against Various Weapons

Here’s How Boeing 737’s Cockpit Door Holds Against Various Weapons | Frontline Videos

Edwin Sarkissian / YouTube


Seems Like They’re Meant To Last.

The YouTube channel named Edwin Sarkissian has really grown on us for the past few months. Not everything they do can be considered safe, but they do take the necessary precautions to do it in the best ways possible and their videos are actually really informational. Although you might have never thought of some of these things, they pose the questions for you and you become genuinely intrigued.

For example, would you be interested to see if a 50 cal round can penetrate a manhole? Or maybe whether an ATM can take on a Desert Eagle? Sure, these are things you’d never really think of but once they make a video about it, you can’t really look away.

Case in point.

In this video, Edwin shoots a few guns at a cockpit door of a Boeing 737. How they got that door nobody knows, and they definitely allude to that in a comical way in the first seconds of the video.

So, how did it hold up you may ask. Well, watch the video below and see for yourself. The strength of that door is actually pretty impressive.


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