The Hypnotic Cleaning Process of MASSIVE Anchor Chain on US Aircraft Carrier

The Hypnotic Cleaning Process of MASSIVE Anchor Chain on US Aircraft Carrier | Frontline Videos

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Reeling It In

Anchor chains used by aircraft carriers are typically 1,440ft long, with each link weighing 136lbs. A windlass or a vertical capstan are used to hoist or drop anchors from inside the carrier.

Shackles or Shots

The term “shackles” or “shots” are what the manufacturers call the measurement of chain length. Each shot is 90ft and is connected with detachable links.

Painted Chains

The marks you see painted on the chains correspond to their length. White, red, and blue are the colors used for maritime standards.

Occasional Rinse

After a bit of time, carrier crew members are expected to give the anchor chains their well-deserved rinse. Saltwater can corrode the chain and weaken it, so it’s vital that these inspections are done regularly.

Removing Rust

Back then, anchor chains were hit by hammers to remove the rust. Today, the presence of rust has been minimized through the use of several chemicals.


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